Going on a more economically friendly approach to pool care quickly grew in popularity. In recent years, electric cars and solar panels have become an integral part of a sustainable way of life. But what about your pool? Swimming pools rely on the use of chlorine and other chemicals to remain clean. Don’t panic because there are alternative solutions to using traditional pool cleaners and products. If you are considering building a pool or want to convert your pool to be sustainable, experts at Shoreline are here to make those dreams a reality. Read on the learn about eco-friendly products and chemicals for your swimming pool.
Eco-Friendly Products
An eco-friendly pool (also called a natural swimming pool) is 100% chemical free and uses nature to filter out any bad bacteria or dirt. Instead of having a clunky filtration system, these types of swimming pools have a built-in natural ecosystem that is made of low-maintenance plants. However, building this type of pool is costly and takes a lot of building time and space. There is no need to spend an astronomical amount of money to build a brand-new pool when you can transform your current one to be economically friendly.
If installing a natural swimming pool is out of budget, consider using these products to make your swimming pool more sustainable.
Automatic Pool Covers
By having an automatic pool cover installed, your pool is not only protected from any damage, but it prevents harmful effects on the environment. These durable covers act as barriers to reduce evaporation by 95%. Since your luxury swimming pool will keep more water, you will not have to waste time restoring your proper water and chemical levels. Pool covers retain heat and lower evaporation. Therefore, this means fewer CO2 emissions.
While buying an automatic pool cover can quickly become a costly investment, there are other cover options to consider. There is vinyl, bubble/solar, insulated vinyl, and semi-automatic. The benefits of covering your pool at night or during the off-season include reduced chemical consumption by 35%-60%, Also, you’ll be reducing the amount of “make-up” water anywhere between 30%-50%. On average, swimming pools absorb 75% – 85% of the sun’s heat. Partaking in the simple act of transitioning to an automatic pool cover will reduce the release of energy, keep more money in your pocket, as well as cut cleaning times astronomically.
Solar Heaters & Heat Pumps
Using the sun’s natural rays to warm up your swimming pool is the most cost-effective option for heating your pool with solar energy. According to the US Department of Energy, solar heaters have low operating costs and are cost-competitive with gas and heat pump heaters. Solar heaters can take longer, but they will cut down on your monthly energy costs than using a gas pump. This type of heater usually includes:
- Solar Collector: pool water is circulated through to be warmed up by the sun.
- Filter: to remove any debris from the water before it goes through the collector.
- Pump: which moves the water through the filter, collector, and back to the pool.
- Flow Control Valve: to divert the pool water through the solar collector either automatically or manually.
Electric heat pumps warm your pool faster than a solar heater. However, they do need more maintenance and general repairs are costly. They use very little electricity while pulling thermal energy and heating it up before it travels back into your pool. Think of these pumps as reverse air conditioners. Even though electric heat pumps use electricity, they are more energy efficient than electric-resistant pool heaters. Devote your time to buying a solar heater or an electric heat pump.
LED Lighting
Admiring the glow of lights under the water is not only gorgeous but a critical part of pool safety. Here’s a bright idea: replace your old lights with LED lights. LED lights will reduce energy consumption by upwards of 90%. Also, LED lights do not need replacements as often as normal pool lights, thereby cutting down maintenance costs.
Eco-Friendly Chemicals
When browsing or even discussing swimming pools, our minds immediately think of chlorine and its infamous odor. While it is the most popular chemical to clean pools with, it’s very harsh on people’s hair, skin, and eyes. Even worse, chlorine can hurt the environment.
Chlorine is considered a pesticide because of the pollution it can create in the ozone. If you want eco-friendly alternatives to Chlorine, you’re in luck! You can use enzyme-based and natural mineral sanitizers. Brands such as Natural Chemistry, Pool Frog, SeaKlear, Eclipse3, Nuvo, and Del Ozone create natural pool cleaners that are not only economically friendly but clean and sanitize your pool naturally. These brands use natural minerals that help against any mineral build-up or algae growth. Most of the products these brands produce don’t have to be used with chlorine if your pool is chlorine free.
If you have an all-natural pool, experiment with aquatic plants like Pondweed, Duckweed, Cattails, Pickerel Weed, Arrowhead, Sedge Rush, Golden Sword, Water Lettuce, Frogbit, Hornwort, and Botswana Wonder. These plants can purify the water by removing excessive content elements like carbon and phosphorus. Getting a moss-filtered pool is also a possibility as well as reducing any need to use chemicals or wastewater. These two green options give off a pond-like aesthetic more than a regular swimming pool.
Shoreline Can Create an Eco-Friendly Pool!
Becoming more eco-friendly does not mean you have to sacrifice any enjoyment or relaxation time. You can take it easy knowing that covering your pool and stopping the use of chlorine can change the planet for the better. Experts at Shoreline are ready to further discuss their eco-friendly pool options. Call (203) 357-1544 for more information.