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Pool Water Features That Will Reduce Stress

New water features can make an ordinary pool more personalized. Have you ever enjoyed the sound of a waterfall or a running river? You’re not alone. It’s well documented that water is good for you – and not only for hydration. The impact of having a water fountain or pond is profound. The sound of running water adds a relaxed ambiance to your home, one that has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and positively affect overall mental health. Not only that, but pool water features can aid in thinking clarity, as well as inducing meditative states.

If you’re looking to add a water feature to your pool, then this article is for you. There are many different pool water features that can aid in relaxation and restoration.

What Kind of Pool Water Features are Available?

The possibilities for a water feature in your pool are endless. Most of today’s pools are built with water-resistant, eco-friendly materials. Below are some awesome features for you to consider when building your own private oasis.


One of the most calming and relaxing sounds is that of a waterfall. Installing a waterfall into your pool not only gives you added relaxation but also helps create a sense of elegance as well. There are many diverse types of waterfalls to choose from.

Moss Rock Waterfall

These waterfalls are made from moss rock which is available in various sizes.

Natural Rock Waterfall with Slide

Adding a layer of excitement, this natural rock waterfall is a combination of moss rock and gunite. Unlike concrete which comes already mixed, gunite is composed of sand, cement, and water, which is applied through a hose.

Artificial Waterfall

A replica of any type of rock to create a natural waterfall.


Great for children, grottos are waterfalls with an area where you can sit and listen to the relaxing sounds of flowing water.

Sheer Descents

Sheer descents are arcs of water that project from a raised wall. This type of feature adds an interesting focal point to your pool.


Scuppers are raised ledges. They get their name from the scupper of a boat – a spot where water flows off the deck. Much like the boat, water flows from the ledge, into your pool, creating a flowy cascading effect that is equally beautiful as it is exciting.

Pencil Jets

Pencil jets are streams of water that shoot out into your pool, adding an extra layer of relaxation. Some pencil jets are different from one another, such as the Jandy Mini Jet and the Jandy Deck Jet. The former creates a 45-degree arc of water, and the latter has an option to turn the jets 360 degrees.

Let Shoreline Pools Customize Your Pool with Luxury Water Features

Regardless of which water feature you choose for your pool, each will yield relaxing, meditative benefits. Choosing which water feature you want in your pool can be overwhelming, as the possibilities are nearly endless. Let Shoreline Pools step in! With over 50 years of experience, Shoreline Pools can help you create your own personal oasis right in your pool. Visit our website or call us at (203) 357-1544 to have any of your pool-related questions answered.