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Pros and Cons of a Backyard Fire Pit

Outdoor fire pits are a dream for many homeowners. The idea of having a patio in the backyard adorned with a dedicated space for bonfires is instantly appealing for good reason. Think about all of the backyard occasions that you can improve with a fire pit: from 4th of July barbecues to quiet nights with your spouse watching the sunset and enjoying a drink, a fire pit is the perfect luxury backyard decoration you can enjoy in any season. Whether you want to entertain guests by hosting backyard events or just quietly relax with your family, a fire pit has you covered for any occasion. That said there are a lot of complications that come with the installation of a fire pit in your backyard. This piece will address the pros and cons that come with installing a fire pit. Read on with Shoreline Pools!

Pro: Entertainment

A fire pit in your backyard will provide you with countless opportunities to host guests. It will make barbecues at your house more appealing to all of your friends, and provide the warmth necessary to keep the party going after the sun goes down. Fire pits allow for late night chats with friends, quality time with extended family, or any other social occasion. In short, a fire pit in your backyard will be an instant hit at any party, and will certainly give your guests something to remember.

Con: Safety Concerns

A fire pit is a beautiful and classy addition to any backyard. But it also comes with a host of safety concerns that you cannot ignore. Fire pits should always be kept clear of brush, flammable liquids such as lighter fluid, or any other combustible materials. This also applies to paper plates, napkins, or any other flammable materials that accompany meals. Additionally, fires should always be completely extinguished before they are left. Be sure to douse your fire pit with water before you go in for the night. You should also be sure to have a fire extinguisher on hand in the event that the first spreads from the pit. As a final bit of safety advice, make sure to keep children and pets clear of the fire pit.

Pro: Increased Property Value

Fire pits are permanent backyard fixtures. They’re also incredibly tasteful and gorgeous pieces that act as a focal point for your outdoor space. Needless to say, fire pits can potentially add a tremendous amount to the value of properties. If the time ever comes to put your house on the market, a backyard fire pit will be a huge check in the “pro” column for any interested buyer. This will certainly result in higher bids, allowing you to sell your property at a higher value.

Con: Maintenance

Fire pits – like any other type of permanent outdoor fixture – require consistent routine maintenance in order to stay fully operational and aesthetically pleasing. For fire pits, that means covering them up when it rains, regularly sweeping out dust and charcoal, routine power washing, and treating the metal work in order to avoid rusting.

Pro: Warmth

Depending on where you live, the sunset can cause temperatures to drop in the summer. If you want to keep the outdoor fun going after the sunset, a backyard fire pit is a fantastic solution. Crack open a bottle of wine with some friends and enjoy the warmth on your feet. Roast some marshmallows if you like. When you have a fire pit in your backyard, you can keep the summertime vibes going 24/7.

Backyard Fire Pits – An Investment in Summertime Fun

As far backyard design ideas go, fire pits are amazing investments. Not only do they raise the value of your backyard and property, but they also provide endless opportunities for backyard barbecues, and act as tasteful focal points for any outdoor space. For more gorgeous design ideas for backyards and pools, follow Shoreline Pool on HOUZZ!