Owning a pool is a luxury that is not available to everyone. The most common reasons homeowners shy away from building a new luxury swimming pool may include a lack of funds or a lack of backyard space. When you do become a proud pool owner, you must maintain a clean swimming pool. It is not unusual to find objects like pollen, leaves, insects, and other debris in your pool. If you or anyone that uses your pool has allergies then it is crucial to remove pollen from your pool. The responsibility falls on you to remove these objects. Here are some tools and advice that can help you maintain a clean pool.
Running Your Pool’s Filtration System
One of the most common problems pool owners have is forgetting to clean the filtration system. This system works with most pools and collects the small visible objects in your pool to objects you can’t see, like pollen and dust. It cleans the pool for you and all you have to do is clean the filtration system which is easier than cleaning your entire pool. You can decide whether to activate your filtration system (early morning, end of the day, when you’re not using it, etc.) But be mindful of how long you use it! It uses a lot of power and if neglected will result in a costly electric bill.
Cleaning Pollen & Debris with Pool Skimmers
Traditionally, pool skimmers usually refer to nets attached to an adjustable pole. It allows you to collect the bigger objects that your filter system cannot collect. You can also apply a fine mesh net to your pole to collect pollen and smaller particles. However, as technology has evolved you are now able to install automatic skimmers in your pool. These skimmers are usually installed close to your filter system, collecting debris like leaves and rocks. This allows the filtration system to filter only the smaller objects without clogging. If you are feeling extra adventurous there is also the option of a self-contained skimmer. Imagine a Roomba that cleans the surface of your pool. They are usually solar-powered, which saves you electricity and time, but it also means that they are only convenient when the sun is out.
This allows the filtration system to filter only the smaller objects without clogging. If you are feeling extra adventurous there is also the option of a self-contained skimmer. Imagine a Roomba that cleans the surface of your pool. They are usually solar-powered, which saves you electricity and time, but it also means that they are only convenient when the sun is out.
Using Pool Vacuums to Keep Your Pool Sparkling
Debris does not appear only on the surface of your pool but also on the bottom of it. An automatic pool skimmer cannot collect the debris at the bottom of the pool. So, your best option is an automatic pool vacuum. This piece of equipment is exactly as its name states. It sucks dirt and other small debris from the bottom of your pool. It’s the same as vacuuming your house but it’s underwater. If you somehow have very large objects on the bottom of your pool, like a huge rock, then it’s probably best to pick it up yourself.
Eliminate Pollen & Debris from Your Pool with Shoreline Pools
Removing debris and pollen from your pool can be time-consuming and quite the hassle. You may not have the time or equipment. For your convenience, Shoreline Pools comes with the proper equipment and services for your pool needs. Leave the hard work to us and go spend time with your family and friends. You’ll feel pleased to come home to a pool clear of debris and pollen-free. Hassle-free and schedule whenever you please, call our service department by dialing (203) 357-1544 to connect with a Shoreline Pools account manager today!